Please take a few moments to read the following and contemplate on this message to you.
You matter. I repeat, you matter! It is no accident that you are alive in this world. That alone speaks to the fact that you and every person on this earth deserves dignity and respect. You exist in body and soul. We all know that the body at some point will die, but your soul will live forever. God knew you before you were formed in the womb. You matter. From love, and out of love you were created. Our real job is to love and to make a difference. There are certainly a lot of distractions to derail us from our mission, but it still remains that we are called to make a positive difference in this world. Could you imagine a world with no anger? Only caring and respectful conversations even if addressing issues from completely different perspectives and understandings? What a different world we would have. Yet, think of it this way. What if we all decided that even in conflict we would always keep our cool and treat the other person with respect and dignity? Let’s maintain the high road no matter what the other does. Keep the high standard. Always keep in mind that you matter, and you can make a real difference. When we treat others with respect we may just find that attitude can become contagious. Take that love that God gives to you and pass it on. You matter, and so do they.