Have you ever witnessed a humble person take a potentially volatile situation and turn it into a calm problem-solving event?  I have numerous times.  I have also heard people say that a person (being a humble person) should be stronger in their leadership.  My perception is that a humble person typically draws the respect of others more often than the demanding leader.  Here are some observations about the humble person that might put things into perspective.  A humble person:

  • Treats everyone with courtesy and respect.
  • Downplays their achievements and is not prideful about them.
  • Has an attitude of gratitude.
  • Is often a server and puts others first.
  • Respects other people’s opinions and is open to other ideas.
  • They are teachable.
  • Often dominates a conversation with listening.
  • Tends to be more of a team player and understands there is no “I” in TEAM.
  • Is a great edifier and is quick to point out what others have done right.
  • Even in a leadership role admit their mistakes.
  • Takes responsibility for their mistakes and makes things right.

Humility.  I admire these traits and want to do better in embracing them myself.  How about you?