Working Out

I started the new year with the goal of losing weight.  I identified some nutritional changes that I need to make as well as a new workout routine to get rid of the “dunlops” disease (that is when your belly dun lop over your belt).  Admittedly I wasn’t extremely excited about starting the workout routine because that required a change of habits beginning with getting up earlier in the morning.  I am excited about losing weight but how to get there is the real antagonist.  After the second time of working out I thought to myself that I must be pushing it too hard because I ache.  So, the third time I backed off a bit.  After two weeks I saw no progress, so I figured I better step it up.  I even sweat the next time so I was sure I would see a weight drop.  Nope!  I think I must have drunk too much water before weighing myself because I actually had gained weight.  Note to self; ease up on the water.  Protein shakes will likely be better because isn’t that supposed to change the not-so-pretty mass into muscle mass?  You know this progress thing certainly requires real effort and focus, but doesn’t that apply to everything?  That means hard work!  Stay tuned!