You are beautiful!
You are beautiful!
Did you know that you were made with the utmost care and with an incredible beauty? Others may see you and I with a critical eye always looking for our flaws. Yet we were created by the greatest craftsman. However, we do have a responsibility to keep to our creator’s standards and to maintain that beauty.
Imagine the shoemaker who carefully crafts a new pair of shoes. He is exact in his measuring and cutting of his materials. He polishes up those materials to a beautiful shine. With great attention to the special design and character of his creation he pridefully presents his creation for all to see and admire. He instructs how to care for his shoes to always maintain their beauty. He knows that with life there will be wear and tear but keep the polish nearby to help maintain its shine for the good of the wearer.
We too must keep our polish, the Lord and His Word close by as it is our responsibility to maintain our beauty. He always loves us and wants to help us maintain our beauty because He knows our true beauty within. He especially will tell you, “you are beautiful!” and I commend His craftsmanship.