Questions & Answers
For Young Men
Your Question and a Proposed resolution:
A. A gift from God.
That is a very good question. Here is a very brief response to a question that could be far more extensive.
A living human being walking this earth is both a spiritual and physical person. I think it is understood that when the spirit leaves the body we have physical death.
This is a basic principle that is often misunderstood. To some the spiritual is thought to be about how we feel, and the physical is about our five senses. The spiritual is NOT about emotions. From a Catholic perspective we understand that our spiritual being was created before we were conceived. God is Love and He made us out of His love to love one another. So, you could say foundationally a relationship begins spiritually. Since we are first spiritual then physical. From God’s example we understand true love to be a self-gift. In other words, we are made to give of ourselves for the good of others to glorify God. Our physical actions demonstrate our love for each other. Doing anything good for another person is a demonstration of our love and the quality of our relationship with them. Physical actions can include taking out the garbage, letting someone else go first in line at the store, holding hands, a hug… The physical act of making love to a person of the opposite gender is a physical act that is reserved for one person. It is a tremendous commitment that is intended to be only made to a spouse. It is by God’s command that the physical act of intercourse is intended to be a life-long marriage commitment that should never be broken. Finally, as Jesus stated, “there is no greater love giving up one’s life for another.” Jesus demonstrated that. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask additional questions.
A. Thank you for your question. Considering your question, you clearly are a brother who cares. That is a huge step towards helping another person even though we know not their specific problems or how to help them. But this you should know, that God did not create any of us to be an island. Oftentimes the more a person withdraws from others the more they need someone to care. There are people who do like to be alone but to be alone and withdrawn all of the time is not healthy. So, what do we do? Walk the path softly with them particularly in the beginning but definitely walk. What can that look like? I will guess that you know some of your brother’s interests. Engage with him in those interests. Invite him to participate with you in some of your activities. Tell him you love him. Be prepared for excuses and avoidance of doing something together. Tell him you have marked out some time specifically to do something together. “What would you like to do?” If his physical challenges prevent him from doing things then figure out what the two of you can do. Maybe it is some type of light physical exercises. Get creative. Pray for his recovery. Pray for his recovery with him. As a loving brother you can make a difference. Peace!
"Help Me Lord, I Need YOU" is available on Amazon.com
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